I just got back from a lesson with Eli, he's coming along and seems to be back to the horse we bought and came to know. I'm sure it's that we had reverted our attention.
As him and I work on our ground manners and I realize how much of it is up to me and will determine how he behaves I am happy to know now that I have been more focused on guidance and discipline and am seeing some great results. He's being much more polite, much like he was on a more consistent basis. I suppose this is why they call the different styles of riding 'disciplines' because it takes work and consistency for both horse and rider.
So, after a nice lesson, cleaning up, doing chores and getting back in the vehicle to head home I hit the highway and start driving. I'm paying attention to the road, in a more relaxed stat and start thinking about the similarities of riding a horse to driving a car. Obviously the car is not a living, breathing being with a mind of its own, but I did come up with a few similarities regardless.
For example, I took two years off driving and although I technically knew how to drive and had a license I was out of practice and rusty. Since then I've become more comfortable and confident in my abilities, this came with practice. But, the latest challenge is highway driving - whether it be at night or on windy days. I realize you drive the same you would in the city, but you do have to compensate for limited visibility and gusts of wind that can push the vehicle. What made me feel comfortable is just getting out there and driving. The more I drove the better I got and the less I had to think about it, the more miles I put behind the wheel, the less I had to think about what I was doing and the more it became a habit or an instinct.
Today, like many other days there were a lot of not so great drivers on the road, this is the exact point where I started to think about horses. I see it all the time, drivers rushing, speeding and crowding. Road Rage, tempers flair because there is no respect for other drivers space (bubbles) and if you get two or three cars with similar drivers together it is a recipe for disaster. When I see this I pass when safe (typically those drivers not paying attention to the road) or reduce my speed and increase the distance between myself and them while giving myself more control over the vehicle. Driving fast you have less time to react. My ability to read other drivers and predict (not always, but sometimes) whether they are going to jet out in front of me cutting me off without a signal, peel out from behind me or just plain hit their brakes because they are not paying attention came with experience.
So with that realization I can apply this to horse back riding. I won't get better or progress if I don't get on the horse and ride, the more miles I put on the horse the better the horse and I will be, the more experience I obtain the better able I will be to read a horse or somewhat predict what it may do and lastly, I need experience and confidence to transition from a walk to trot and trot to canter as the same rule applies - the faster the speed the less reaction time and harder the control will be.
I don't want Eli to be rude on the ground, or under saddle and I certainly am not a driver that doesn't give space or rush and speed.
Lesson's learned in both: patience, take your time, be calm and relaxed and most importantly (this has to do with reaction times and the ability to think clearly) should the unexpected happen, try your absolute best not to panic. Panic causes accidents because you freeze up and stop thinking. Panicking can also be detrimental riding because your body tenses up and you become stiff and ridged increasing your chances of bouncing off as opposed to being loose and relaxed therefore somewhat going with the motion.
Further more to my challenges with Eli, I realized today that although he is a TB and a little more challenging then some other horses he does push me to learn and keeps me on my toes. He certainly doesn't stand idle or allow for me to get into a rut where I am not forced to think and be completely in the moment. Letting your mind wonder, taking things for granted and becoming too comfortable can lead to an accident as well. I trust him, but respect his size and power and I think people need to start doing the same with their vehicles, accidents do happen.. slow down, stay out of peoples bubbles and be respectful - its not only our responsibility, but the safe thing to do for each other and ourselves.