Additional Information

For more information visit the WEB PAGE or click on the LINKS tab located to the right for additional resources. I am not a trainer, therapist, dietitian or farrier, but am a horse enthusiast, student and new horse owner with little to no experience learning as I go and this is my way of documenting shared information.

Friday, 7 June 2013

Waiting to leave work..

Waiting to leave work right now, Severe Thunderstorm warning in effect for Southern Alberta.. 

Sun's shining right now, but that's here in Calgary - was off at 2:30 but my ride wasn't here - looked at the window at 2:45 there they were... Come outside and they're gone. It's now 3:12 - the downside to car pooling. 

I want to get to the barn do I can get Mum and Foal into the barn ..  

Weaning a Foal

Found some great information on a Horse Site, have to start noting upcoming tasks we are to do with Atticus at the right times and at the right age. I'm going to consult our training and the facility owner with the weaning of the foal, halter breaking and hoof trimming.

But an interesting part I just read is that there are two methods to weaning a foal:
  • Gradual Separation: moving the Mare & Foal into neighboring paddocks where a fence separates them and the foal is unable to feed on her milk
  • Abrupt Separation: moving the Mare & Foal as far apart as possible out of eye and earshot of each other

Weaning is usually done between 4 and 6 months, providing the foal is healthy and able to eat on it's own and drink water and that the Mare is healthy and the foal isn't taking away to much from her.. some people wean as late as 9 months if the Mare's healthy and the foals good.

Another great suggestion made is to turn out the foal with other foals who are being weaned or weaned if possible.

information collected from The Horse Health Zone

Another great source to help with the transition and lesson stressed caused is Low-Stress Foal Weaning