Ha Ha, yesterday's Stable visit ones one of the best. Not that I don't enjoy all visits but because I got to witness someone and a horse really enjoying each others time.
We went to the Stable after work so that we could finish up a few things and move Ella into another paddock, this ones a bit bigger, offers more privacy and has a better shelter for her should she need it. We also moved Eli into Ella's old paddock so that he had a bit bigger paddock himself that wasn't flooded as the one he was in starting gathering pools of water as the snow melted.
While we were there and I was busy doing chores, hanging the hay nets, moving the feed buckets from paddocks and filling the water tubs etc. Jesse took Eli into the Barn and then the Arena to do some ground work (he's been doing this every time we visit lately - which I am glad to see) and as it's spring now with nicer weather all the horses are starting to shedding.
- Check out the NEXT POST ~ Barber Bergeron
- Post after that will be of Ella's new (new to her) paddock.
Here Jesse's getting 'the spot's where Eli really leans into it and it's more a massage then brushing:
Necks kinda sore |
That's the spot |
Sigh - eyes close. |
Goofy Guys
Relaxing! |
A bit blurry as they were moving |
My favorite! ~ Ahhh |
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