Additional Information

For more information visit the WEB PAGE or click on the LINKS tab located to the right for additional resources. I am not a trainer, therapist, dietitian or farrier, but am a horse enthusiast, student and new horse owner with little to no experience learning as I go and this is my way of documenting shared information.

Saturday 8 December 2012

Update: Boredom and head bobbing

I drove out to the stable after work yesterday. Threw the winter blankets on as rumor had it the temperature was dropping down to -17 and would feel like -25 with the windchill.

I'm glad I did because on the drive home every vehicle that passed me was covered in frost. Yes, vehicles passed me as I was doing between 110-120 km's an hour (Dad). I do love and prefer the SUV over the Kia for reasons such as all wheel drive, heavier, higher ground clearance and better visibility. Still great on gas being on the smaller side.

On my way out I stopped at Greenhawk and picked up two hay feeders, one for Ella and one for Eli, for $8 each.

This should work better than the hay feeder I was using having smaller holes, the one I have been using is meant for inside a trailer during transport. So this should occupy them for longer and slow down their eating.

Slowly progressing to an EcoNet. Will pick one up fir square bales from Equi-Mart soon. Jesse and Josiah are going to build an RFF, restricted free feeder, that can be accessed on both sides or hung from a paddock railing.

Our training lesson today was rescheduled to tomorrow due to the cold. After the lesson Ella's being moved to the paddock next to Eli so they can be 'neigh'bors and get to know each other a bit before becoming room mates.

I'm excited about tomorrows lesson.