Additional Information

For more information visit the WEB PAGE or click on the LINKS tab located to the right for additional resources. I am not a trainer, therapist, dietitian or farrier, but am a horse enthusiast, student and new horse owner with little to no experience learning as I go and this is my way of documenting shared information.

Monday 10 December 2012

Sunday's Lesson

Yesterday was a great lesson, they have all been good but in particular this one as it was Ella's first riding lessons. She is showing how great of a Mare she is to restart as she is so smart and willing.

The lesson started off when I met Robyn at the stable and she took Ella into the barn, tacked her up, lunged her and proceeded to mount her for her riding lesson.

Once up and on Ella she did a walk in circle's, both directions and later transitioned into a trot. She worked on backing-up and and leg aides (yields) which Ella was responsive to. 

I am so pleased, she really does try and is eager to learn. I noticed that she retains a lot from the previous training as well and maybe that's typical of horses - but none the less I am proud. 

She just needs a bit of work on her balance and she tends to be a bit bouncy and out of rhythm at times. I'm not sure if when she's trotting she is mixing it up with canter/lope or is fighting the urge to go into a pace or running walk (whichever it is she did racing) but Robyn will work all of that out with her and clearly communicate with her the responses needed or expected for certain leg, seat or body positions. 

Either way, she has the important things down, accept the rider, go, stop, turning AND backing-up. 

On top of the great lesson yesterday, Ella was moved next to Eli so they are now paddock neighbors. I spent some time following the lesson outside with the two of them and they seem happy. Eli and Ella both ate their feed, they both drank from the water'er while I was there and proceeded to eat hay out of the hay tires. 

I stuffed and hung the slow feeders in each of their shelters. Before refilling them, I will note that Eli's was still half full from filling it Friday - so it is definitely a slower feeder that's for sure. I'm not sure if Ella uses hers. 

Here are some video's of Ella's Training - First day being ridden. Will be interesting to look back and see her progress as she builds confidence. My favorite is the last video (part 4) - this being accomplished on the first ride.