Additional Information

For more information visit the WEB PAGE or click on the LINKS tab located to the right for additional resources. I am not a trainer, therapist, dietitian or farrier, but am a horse enthusiast, student and new horse owner with little to no experience learning as I go and this is my way of documenting shared information.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Cold day at the Stable

Saturday's training was cancelled and rescheduled due to the cold. It was -20, with windchill -27, but it felt more like -30 and is expected to stay cold all week. 

We brought Eli in and Jesse spent some time playing with him in the arena so I was able to catch some of it on video. Eli was quite spunky today and wanted to roll around in the dirt. I am glad to see he's very active and playful. He demonstrating his ability to move around freely, his joints not being too stiff or cracking (way better now than before - especially when it's this cold). 

I was worried for a moment when he rolled in the dirt, the first time, that he would flip over and wedge himself against the wall and get stuck. This is when his high wither (dorsal fin) comes in handy as it usually prevents him from being able to do that. He did buck a bit when he was playing, video below, but I wouldn't take it as misbehaving as he isn't on a lead - but we do have to be cautious. When I was in the barn cleaning and Jesse was leaning against the door, Eli bucked and fully extended his hind legs out while doing a lap around the Arena. I'm sure he would do this out in the field at pasture and if he doesn't do it once in a while indoors then when is he able to. Jesse had a lot of fun and got some exercise as well. 

We went out and brought Ella in, let her stretch out and warm up a bit. We put both a fleece sheet and their winter jackets on (layering) before turning them out into their paddocks again. They stay out all night so the layers and their shelter will help keep them comfy. Ella was so quiet and such a sweet heart again, seems she is getting more comfortable with us and her surroundings. 

Back outside we filled up their slow feeders. Next visit will be Christmas day with my parents. I am excited for them to meet Ella. Will bring out mash for them as a treat.