Additional Information

For more information visit the WEB PAGE or click on the LINKS tab located to the right for additional resources. I am not a trainer, therapist, dietitian or farrier, but am a horse enthusiast, student and new horse owner with little to no experience learning as I go and this is my way of documenting shared information.

Thursday 17 January 2013

Caesar Millan & Pat Parelli

I watched a lot of episodes of the Dog Whisperer and found it to be very helpful. If not with training our dog, then at least with identifying what it was I was doing wrong to create and condone or enable bad behavior. Caesar believes in learning how to read and communicate with dogs to achieve or be successful in training them.

His saying is something along the lines of: 
  1. Dog
  2. Breed
  3. Pet
When you acknowledge that a dog is a dog first, not a person you are already better off and at least can then recognize that two species communicate differently. Secondly, if you acknowledge the breed this will help identify the needs of that particular dog as different breeds have different needs. Lastly, if you accept your pet for the dog and breed it is you will have a better relationship. 

I believe this to be true with horses as well. I was fortunate enough to have caught an episode on the Dog Whisperer where Caesar Millan did a show with Pat Parelli, it was a very interesting show and you were able to see how Pat had a similar approach to horses and therefore was better able to communicate and understand them. 

Caesar Millan has a horse on his ranch with his dog's, his horses name is Conquistador, below I have included a couple of pictures.

photo from: 

photo from:

Here is a clip of the show: 

Now that I seen Pat Parelli on tv I am interested in learning more about him. I have come across what I believe is his website and a learning tool called 'Pat Parellis Seven Games' through reading the website and games I came across something that sounds about right for what Eli and I are experiencing  here it is: 

Too Much of A Good Thing? 

kindness without control spells disaster. There are many incidences where people pet and feed their horses, offer lots of kindness but get no respect from the horse. 

These horses have learned that people are not dangerous because they have had plenty of Friendly Game in their lives. So they try to dominate, push, nip, chase or drag people around because in horse society, the pecking order is very important. After helping your horse overcome his innate fears, if you don't show yourself to be the leader, then the horse will take his role. This is where games #2 through #7 of the Seven Games become valuable. 

Don't neglect the Friendly Game even if your horse seems gentle enough. Don't rush through it either, thinking that all you need to do is get your horse to stand still. The Friendly Game is the savvy secret that horsemen use to gain a horse's trust and to continually reinforce that trust and love. Once you earn the trust, you can begin to ask your horse to yield to pressure, bringing us to Game #2... the Porcupine Game. 

more can be learned by reading the website: Pat Parellis Seven Games

Or, you can visit his website by clicking the link: Pat Parelli Natural Horse Training

Here's some quotes from Caesar Millan where I will leave out 'Dog' leaving it open for interpretation: 

"Discipline isn't about showing an animal who's boss; it's about taking responsibility for a living creature you have brought into your world"

"Denial, they say, stands for "Don't even notice I am lying" Human beings are the only animals who are happily lied to by our own minds about what is actually happening around us" 

"Don't bother yelling at them, it's the energy and scent they pay attention to not your words"

"You cannot "love" an animal out of bad behaviour, just as you can't "love" a criminal into stopping crimes" 

"Mother Nature's ruthless to the weak, but isn't arbitrary cruel or negative. Mother Nature saves aggression for extreme situations and instead uses consistent leadership to help keep things running smoothly. Mother Nature doesn't rule by fear and anger, but by calm strength and assertiveness" 

"If you give only 80% leadership, your pet will give you 80% following. And the other 20% of the time will run the show. If you give your pet any opportunity for him to lead you,he will take it" 

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