Additional Information

For more information visit the WEB PAGE or click on the LINKS tab located to the right for additional resources. I am not a trainer, therapist, dietitian or farrier, but am a horse enthusiast, student and new horse owner with little to no experience learning as I go and this is my way of documenting shared information.

Saturday 5 January 2013

Stable Visit. English Saddle & Manure buckets

Went to the stable today, lesson was rescheduled to tomorrow. I put together the English General Purpose saddle I have on loan. Attached the stirrup leathers and irons, or stirrups and the girth, didn't have a chance to try it on Ella yet, more than likely will tomorrow during training.

I've never put together an English saddle, looks like I did it right, was a bit trickier than I expected.

Also brought two storage containers for extra stuff, so we don't have it all laying around in the locker. When I was picking up cleaning supplies for the house at Walmart I came across two storage containers that looked identical to the Manure bucket I see at livestock or equine tack stores, they usually priced at $21 each, these were $8 each so I picked up two.