Additional Information

For more information visit the WEB PAGE or click on the LINKS tab located to the right for additional resources. I am not a trainer, therapist, dietitian or farrier, but am a horse enthusiast, student and new horse owner with little to no experience learning as I go and this is my way of documenting shared information.

Wednesday 12 June 2013


Picked-up some veterinarian issued de-wormer from the vet clinic for little Atticus, while I was there I grabbed a tube of EQVALAN (1.87% Ivermectin) for Ella. Both were de-wormed once we got to the barn - this way we had time to hang around and monitor them to make sure they didn't have any adverse affects.

Surprisingly Atticus took it well, helps A LOT that he's teething and more than willing to chew on a knuckle or two - so while Jesse volunteered to let Atticus chew on his knuckle (he doesn't have teeth yet) I squirted the tube into the back corner of his mouth. He smacked his lips a bit and it was all gone.

I thought for sure Ella would immediately spit hers back out, but I learned something while watching the Facility owner administer BUTE to Eli when we were treating his foot for a potential abscess.

If you let them lift there heads real high in the air (they want to prevent you from having access to their mouth) and then squirt it in the space where they have no teeth, keep your hand under their chin with your arm extended (preventing them from lowering their head) and wait a few moments - their natural instinct is to swallow, or at least it's harder for them to drop their head and spit it out.

Ella's 16.1 HH and when extending her neck and head pretty tall, fortunately I'm tall myself - so this is what I did, worked out well.