Additional Information

For more information visit the WEB PAGE or click on the LINKS tab located to the right for additional resources. I am not a trainer, therapist, dietitian or farrier, but am a horse enthusiast, student and new horse owner with little to no experience learning as I go and this is my way of documenting shared information.

Tuesday 25 June 2013


Now that it's been a few days past 3 weeks, Atticus's little teeth are coming in. We've noticed him sampling grass, hay and his mum's feed - only a matter of time before he starts eating his own.

I just found a brand of food, while doing some research, that is suitable for all types of horses up to 12 months of age. Apparently it helps reduce weaning stress and promote steady growth - I guess Masterfeeds AND Proform both produce it (oddly enough using the same foal picture - unless they're the same company) I am going to pick some up this weekend and look into how soon we can start feeding him some and whether or not we need to soak it.

The above product FRISKY FOAL features: 
  • dehydrated alfalfa and molasses
  • low carbohydrate, low glycemic
  • high level of trace minerals from organic sources
  • high level of protein and lysine
  • added yeast
  • highly fortified formulation
  • contains added b-vitamins

  • foals cannot separate the ingredients - consistent with each bite
  • more bio-available resulting in higher uptake of trace elements
  • improve growth
  • improve immunity
  • allows flexibility of feeding rates

Right now we are feeding his mum 3 cups of SOAKED BEET PULP mixed with 2 cups of Proforms Step 1 - Broodmare feed. We feed Eli 3 cups of SOAKED BEET PULP with 1 cup of oats and a table spoon of flax seed. We were feeding him a cereal type feed that wound him up as I think he converted it into sugar, thinking about picking him up some Hoffman's Horse Rations (it contains NO grain) 

Apparently between 2 - 3 months the mare will need double the amount of feed and protein as she will hit her peak, so her feed should be increased during this time. Also, between 8 - 10 weeks the foal should start giving the foal additional feed. From 4 months on gradually and over time the foals additional feed (grain/forage etc) should be increased while the mare's should be decreased - this is to assist with weaning, providing the foal with necessary nutrients but also to help stop the mare from producing milk. 

 Weanlings, and yearlings benefit from a diet of 14 - 16 percent protein, their diet should never contain less than 30 % roughage and they should ALWAYS have access to fresh water and room for exercise and development.

Here are FOAL FEEDING GUIDELINES from the American Association of Equine Practitioners website:

  1. Provide high quality roughage (hay and pasture) free choice
  2. Supplement with high quality grain/feed for Weanlings
  3. Start by feeding one percent of a foal's body weight per day (one pound for each 100, or one pound per month of age) 
  4. Weigh and adjust the feed ration based on growth and fitness (a weight tape can help) 
  5. Foals have small stomachs, split rations to 2 - 3 times a day
  6. Make sure feeds contain proper balance of vitamins, minerals, energy and protein
  7. Use a creep feeder or feed the foal separate from other horses (mare) 
  8. Remove unwanted portions between feedings
  9. Provide unlimited, fresh, clean water
  10. Provide opportunity for abundance exercise 

Thursday 13 June 2013


Trying to make a home-made fly recipe that's all natural but keeps the bugs away. This is what I came up with:

  • 1 garlic clove (not bulb) diced
  • 1 cup of vinegar
  • 2 teaspoons of Tea Tree Oil
  • 2 teaspoons of Eucalypti Oil 
  • Add to spray bottle, fill up to top with water

I put all the ingredients together and shook really well, even though there were small chunks of garlic in there I wasn't concerned - the smell was still present and the pieces didn't make it through the spray nozzle. 

Once the mixture was made I brought it with to the barn, tested it out on our horse and noticed that surprisingly the scent did in fact resemble bug spray - the other thing I noticed was that it seemed to repel flies, but it wasn't all that effective on the mosquito's. I think I am missing citronella oil, but I can't find that stuff anywhere - just the oil that you fill those tiki torches with (not the same stuff) 

If you are going to make your own bug spray, be sure not to use products that are not safe for your horse, careful mixing products and certainly be cautious should your horse have allergies or react to the spray - best to try it on a small area first and check frequently for welts, swelling or heat (I am not a vet and perhaps vet advice is recommended).   

DO NOT GET IN HORSE'S EYE'S, EARS or MOUTH (not to be ingested) 

Anyhow, if you find something that is works, repels mosquito's fly's, deer fly's and all those other little biting buts - do share. 

Wednesday 12 June 2013


Picked-up some veterinarian issued de-wormer from the vet clinic for little Atticus, while I was there I grabbed a tube of EQVALAN (1.87% Ivermectin) for Ella. Both were de-wormed once we got to the barn - this way we had time to hang around and monitor them to make sure they didn't have any adverse affects.

Surprisingly Atticus took it well, helps A LOT that he's teething and more than willing to chew on a knuckle or two - so while Jesse volunteered to let Atticus chew on his knuckle (he doesn't have teeth yet) I squirted the tube into the back corner of his mouth. He smacked his lips a bit and it was all gone.

I thought for sure Ella would immediately spit hers back out, but I learned something while watching the Facility owner administer BUTE to Eli when we were treating his foot for a potential abscess.

If you let them lift there heads real high in the air (they want to prevent you from having access to their mouth) and then squirt it in the space where they have no teeth, keep your hand under their chin with your arm extended (preventing them from lowering their head) and wait a few moments - their natural instinct is to swallow, or at least it's harder for them to drop their head and spit it out.

Ella's 16.1 HH and when extending her neck and head pretty tall, fortunately I'm tall myself - so this is what I did, worked out well.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

Atticus's poopy bum (Scours)

For lack of a better term - Atticus got scours (diarrhea) from Foal Heat, which apparently happens between 7 & 10 days of age. Foal heat is the first heat cycle the mare goes into since becoming pregnant with the foal. As all of this is new to me, I did a bit of research for home remedies, instructions on treating scours as well as the signs. I also spoke to the woman that sold us Ella as she has two foals herself and she was able to advise me and give us some tips.

It's important to make sure that the diarrhea is actually caused from Foal Heat and not from a virus or infection that indicates the foal is sick and needs treatment. A foal suffering from scours due to Foal Heat will still nurse, be active and will not have a temperature or appear sick, from what I understand - some things to look/watch for are:

  • A nursing foal will produce a yellowish pasty manure, a sick foal with diarrhea will produce a yellow/brown water manure
  • Watch to be sure the foal is nursing and active (you can check the mare and if her udder is very full and dripping milk, it's an indication the foals not nursing and may have lost it's appetite due to illness
  • Check temperature, it should be between - 99º and 101.5º F. 
  • If you're not sure whether your foal has diarrhea, skin scald is a tell tale sign (loss of hair on bum) 

If you not sure, or certain, contact your vet, illness in a young foal can be fatal and if sick the foal may need antibiotics, or iv to re hydrate etc.

If you have in fact determined the foal has scours do to Foal Heat some treatments are:

  • Clean the area with soap and warm water, dry with a soft towel
  • Apply petroleum jelly or Preparation
  • Repeat, 2 to 3 times a day

We didn't have petroleum jelly on hand, so what we did was clean the area and then treat it with baby oil, not only did it clean up his rear, but it provided moisture to sooth the scald and a slick coating to prevent or help to prevent manure from sticking to his bum. Below you can see the before (left hand side) and after (right hand side) photos. 


for more information visit this websites: American Association of Equine Practitioners

Friday 7 June 2013

Waiting to leave work..

Waiting to leave work right now, Severe Thunderstorm warning in effect for Southern Alberta.. 

Sun's shining right now, but that's here in Calgary - was off at 2:30 but my ride wasn't here - looked at the window at 2:45 there they were... Come outside and they're gone. It's now 3:12 - the downside to car pooling. 

I want to get to the barn do I can get Mum and Foal into the barn ..  

Weaning a Foal

Found some great information on a Horse Site, have to start noting upcoming tasks we are to do with Atticus at the right times and at the right age. I'm going to consult our training and the facility owner with the weaning of the foal, halter breaking and hoof trimming.

But an interesting part I just read is that there are two methods to weaning a foal:
  • Gradual Separation: moving the Mare & Foal into neighboring paddocks where a fence separates them and the foal is unable to feed on her milk
  • Abrupt Separation: moving the Mare & Foal as far apart as possible out of eye and earshot of each other

Weaning is usually done between 4 and 6 months, providing the foal is healthy and able to eat on it's own and drink water and that the Mare is healthy and the foal isn't taking away to much from her.. some people wean as late as 9 months if the Mare's healthy and the foals good.

Another great suggestion made is to turn out the foal with other foals who are being weaned or weaned if possible.

information collected from The Horse Health Zone

Another great source to help with the transition and lesson stressed caused is Low-Stress Foal Weaning 

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Story of ATTICUS

Signed, Atticus Kent. Turned his spaceship into a living horse and was later known as Superman! 

The original story of SUPERMAN was that Kal-El was born to Jor-El (a scientist) and his wife Lara Lor-Van, when their planet of Krypton was about to be destroyed they saved their son Kal-El by sending him to the planet Earth. Kansan Josephus Kent found Kal-El and presented him to his wife as their own where they soon after named him Atticus Kent. 

Similar to either the Kal-El reference from wikia: and the Wikipedia reference for Man of Steel (Superman film): Atticus was taught the values from his adoptive parents of equality among people.

In the original story after his mothers funeral, his father Josephus told him the truth of his origin. When Atticus learned of his spacecraft he unearthed and it received a holographic message from his real parents Jor-El and Lara Lor-Van where he discovered his true mission was to:
Live among the Native Americans in the Western American plains as they are the good people in contrast to the more advanced who south to threaten the aborigines' 

He then forged his spaceship into a living horse and rode out..

Another Atticus, was Atticus Finch from the novel 'To Kill A Mocking Bird' the character was known to be a knowledgable, kind, fair and ethical Father that taught others to live with morals and by principals. Noble. 

New Superman movie MAN OF STEEL is suppose to come out June 14, 2013 ( LOVE Henry Cavill ) 

Monday 3 June 2013

Rainy Days

Over the last few days it's been raining so we brought Ella & Atticus inside the barn.

She had a nice size stall with two hay nets, water and her mash. Bedding was laid out (mixture of shavings and straw) it was warm and dry. We brought them into the arena to stretch and run, Ella had a good roll. 

What to expect (warning, graphic pics)

Through my own personal experiences, if your horse is pregnant and expected to foal soon, somethings to prepare for on the day of delivery.

In my case our Mare did the hard part and what was left for me to deal with was calling the vet to arrange for an exam, cleanup and gather things needed for inspection, and monitor Mum and foal until vet arrives. 

I was at work the morning I received the call, so I immediately made arrangements with my husband to get the vehicle and drive out to the stable. 

I should have changed my boots to rubber ones, however I did remember to bring a garbage can and plastic container. After getting there and looking over Mum and foal, I proceeded to find and collect the placenta and foals first poop (called meconium) for the vet to examine. 

Once the vet arrived I was asked to put Ella's halter on and hold her back with the lead line as they examined the foal. They did so and treated his umbilical cord with diluted iodine. After taking a look at the foal they examine Ella to assure she was producing milk etc. 

The next step they examined Ella's placenta, looking for missing pieces or tears which may result in her requiring a flush. In her case all looked. Fine. We discussed de-worming and vaccines. 

After the vet left it was my responsibility to make sure the foal peed, I'd seen him defficate and drink milk, peeing was the only thing left.