Additional Information

For more information visit the WEB PAGE or click on the LINKS tab located to the right for additional resources. I am not a trainer, therapist, dietitian or farrier, but am a horse enthusiast, student and new horse owner with little to no experience learning as I go and this is my way of documenting shared information.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Stable Visit ~ March 5, 2013

Went out to the stable yesterday after work. It was cold, maybe - 12 but felt like -26 with the windchill. Refilled the hay nets, soaked some beet pulp then took Eli in for a ride. My feet were freezing and it was pretty chilly, but not too chilly to walk and trot indoors OR get out of the paddock for a bit.

I tacked him up, he was REALLY bad with the 'attempts' at nipping me, being a bit girthy. At one point I had to slap his rear haunch hard as he lifted his hind leg threatening to kick. I have to stay on-top of this as it's off and on with him and could be a dominance issue. I've changed his girth and stretched out his legs, so I think it's more of an attitude thing.

Once I tacked him up I hopped on and we did a walk to warm up, then we practiced our trot. Well I should say, I practiced my posting. ELI WAS AMAZING!! I absolutely LOVE him, if I could dedicate a song to him (yes Jesse thinks I'm crazy) I would dedicate "Safe and Sound" by Capital Cities to him ~ after our homework that's just how I felt, like he can lift me up, show me things I want to see, take me where I want to be and if he's SAFE he's SOUND ha ha, just kidding ~ but honestly, my heart swelled a bit that day. I can't describe or explain how helpful he is with me thus far. Jesse even made a comment during or ride that if I lost rhythm or posted to slow or fast,  Eli would change leads to accommodate 'my rhythm' and to synchronize as I am not nearly good enough yet to do it for him. I kind of realized this as I was able to post for longer periods of time, but the fact Jesse could visibly see it was nice to hear as well.

After our short ride I asked Jesse if he was interested in hoping on and he politely declined, but I could tell by his expression he wanted to and was excited to see us trot ~ he said Eli did so well that he should get his beet pulp and have the rest of the day off. I figured I was bringing Ella in to ride her as well and more than likely Jesse would want to hop on AND that he did. Next post will be of him riding Ella. She loves her hay nets ~ hence the preggo belly that I am certain isn't anything more than a hay belly, but 'hey' it's winter, have to stay warm!

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