Additional Information

For more information visit the WEB PAGE or click on the LINKS tab located to the right for additional resources. I am not a trainer, therapist, dietitian or farrier, but am a horse enthusiast, student and new horse owner with little to no experience learning as I go and this is my way of documenting shared information.

Thursday 3 January 2013

A Saddle for Ella

Since we've now been on Ella twice and intend to continue riding her I have gone out and picked up a saddle on trial.

Eli's saddle doesn't quite fit her as it is narrow with a high pommel (meant for Eli and his high withers) and she has a flatter back and broader shoulders so I think it's a bit tight and doesn't have good contact with her back.

I decided to go with a General Purpose English saddle as the one we have for Eli is an Australian stock (hybrid of a western and an English saddle) but I find they are built narrow, or I would have gone with one on a trial with a local tack shop for her as well. Later on down the road we can pick up an Aussie or Western when I better know hers and my size/fit.

Saddle fitting is challenging and as much as I would like to buy a second hand saddle, in this case a less expensive economical or synthetic brand such as Supra may be my best bet. This way if it doesn't fit her, or me for that matter, I can bring it back and exchange it for another less expensive brand or simply a different size tree or seat. If that doesn't work, I can return it and try somewhere else.

When I am more familiar with the different brands, types, sizes and fits I can be a bit more confident and accurate in my saddle shopping. As it stands I picked out an 18" seat on a medium tree with a higher rise Panel and Cantle in the back and a lower pommel in the front.

I'm thinking that as I am 5'10" with long legs I need a larger size to accommodate my leg length. I was concerned there would be a big space or gaping the saddle would be too big, but after having Jesse take a picture of me half seated on the saddle it appears to have one hand width of space behind me to the edge of the seat, which to my understanding is the recommended amount of space.The saddle flaps also end just around my calf area now instead of closer to my knee/thigh. .

As for fit in terms of Ella, that I will have to see when I head out to the Stable, but she is a much taller and longer horse than most (one of the reason's Jesse and I were looking into Thoroughbreds and Standardbreds, their height, as we are tall ourselves) horses and therefore have a longer backs. As long as the saddle isn't too long on her  or raises up in the back while I ride and seats evenly without being too narrow or high at the withers - I think it will be ok. If it does fit this is a great deal as it is a boxing week sale and an inexpensive saddle to begin with. If this saddle turns out to be either too long, or too big for me (or both) but fits all the other criteria I know someone selling this exact saddle in a size 17" seat for $100 with the stirrup leathers. Otherwise all I will need to do is  pick up stirrup leathers, stirrups and a girth.

Jochen Schleese, Certified Master Saddle Fitter
Founder of Schleese Saddlery

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